    时间: 2021-01-07

男方:S**** A**** HUGO, 19**年**月17日出生,身份证件号: 731117****089,(旧护照号码: M0****525、新护照号码: M0****566) ,国籍:南非

女方:丁某某,19**年**月01日出生,身份证件号:  35012219****015326,国籍:中国,住福建省连江县某某镇某某村






5、女方应于   年  月之前归还大儿子R**** S**** 的中国护照和港澳通行证等所有中国证件交由男方保管。如将来女方与子女一同旅行需用到相关证件的,在旅行结束后3日内,女方必须将前述的所需证件无偿交还男方保管。




男方:                            女方:                 
2021年  月  日                     2021年  月  日


Party A:S
**** A**** HUGO, male. Date of birth: November 17th, 19**. ID card No.:73111****7089 (Old Passport ID:M00****25, New Passport ID:M00****66), Nationality: South Africa.
Party B: De****ng Ding, female. Date of birth: March 1st, 19**. ID card No.:35012219****015326. Nationality: China, residential address is No.*** xiajie Road, Tangbian village, Guanban Town, Lianjiang county, Fujian Province.
In view of the fact that both parties have signed a divorce agreement and registered for divorce on June 30th, 2017, according to the actual situation, both parties have reached the following agreement after negotiation:
1. According to the divorce agreement, the custody and sole custody right of the three children belong to party A. Matters concerning the upbringing of children include, but are not limited to, education, travel, document processing, etc., party A can decide on his own, and party B shall not interfere.
2. When the child reaches the age of 18 (or, according to the law, the age at which he or she can freely choose his or her nationality), the child has the right to determine his or her own nationality, and neither parties shall interfere. If the child decides to change his / her nationality to South African or Chinese and needs the assistance of his / her parents, both party A and party B must provide assistance.
3. Both parties shall maintain the good image of parents for their children. One party shall not maliciously slander the other party in front of their children, and be friendly and harmonious when necessary.
4. The South African passport of the three children will be expired on April 10th, 2021. Before the passport expires, party B must assist party A in handling all matters such as changing and getting the passport (For example, party B carries her original ID card with party A to go to the South African consulate in Shanghai or Beijing to assist party A in changing and getting the South African passport of the children).
5. Party B shall return her eldest son Ryan Smith's Chinese passport, Hong Kong and Macao passport and other Chinese documents to party A for safekeeping before             (Date). If party B travel together with her children in the future and require relevant documents, party B must return the above-mentioned documents to party A for safekeeping free of charge within 3 days after the end of the travel.
6. In order to ensure the performance of this agreement, party A shall pay party B RMB 100000 in one lump sum. Both parties shall strictly abide by this agreement. If party B violates this agreement, party A has the right to ask party B to return the compensation.
7. In the process of performing this agreement, in case of any disputes, the court in the place where the agreement is signed (Qingxin District, Qingyuan City) has jurisdiction if the negotiation fails.
8. This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, which has the same legal effect.
Party A:                           Party B:
Date:                             Date:


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